Are you stuck using "me gusta" every time you want to say you like something in Spanish? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! While "me gusta" is probably one of the first phrases you learned, it's far from the only way to express your likes and preferences.
In this article, you'll learn five fun and useful alternatives to "me gusta" that will boost your Spanish skills!
1. Me va
If you’re feeling casual and want to express that something suits you or aligns with your taste, “me va” is perfect. Think of it like saying "it works for me" or "I'm into it."
"A mí me va escuchar podcasts en español por la mañana."
2. Soy más de
When you want to express a personal preference or compare two things, "soy más de" is your go-to expression. It's like saying "I'm more of a [something] person" in English.
"Soy más de películas de terror que de comedia."
3. Me hace
"Me hace" might sound a little different, but trust me, it's a great expression to add to your toolbox! It literally means "it makes me," but it's often used to express an emotional reaction or feeling towards something.
"Me hace ir a tomar una copita de vino."
4. Me mola
Now we’re getting into some cool slang! "Me mola" is widely used in Spain to express that you think something is awesome or cool. It’s a more informal, youthful way of showing you like something.
"Me mola mucho esa canción."
5. Me flipa / Me chifla
Want to express total enthusiasm? Then "me flipa" or "me chifla" are what you're looking for. These expressions are all about showing excitement for something you're really into!
"Me flipa el fútbol."
Translation: "I’m crazy about soccer."
"Me chifla el chocolate."
Translation: "I’m obsessed with chocolate."
There you have it! Five fun and fresh alternatives to "me gusta" that will not only expand your vocabulary but also help you sound more like a native Spanish speaker.
And if you need more practise and want to gain confidence speaking Spanish, our courses, conversation classes and book clubs in Spanish, are a great way to achieve your goals fast.
¡Nos vemos!
Text: Paula Ruiz
Editing: Paula Ruiz
Pictures: Paula Ruiz
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