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Writer: Paula RuizPaula Ruiz

Updated: Mar 5

¡Hola, Amigos!

Planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country? Or maybe you're just trying to improve your language skills? Whatever your reason, knowing a few essential Spanish phrases can be a game-changer. Think of these phrases as your linguistic survival kit, ready to help you navigate new places, meet new people, and make the most out of your adventures. So, let's dive into the top 20 survival Spanish phrases every learner must know!

1. Hola (Hello)

The simplest and most universal greeting. Use it to start any conversation with a friendly touch. Remember that the "h" is silent so it actually sounds as /ola/.

2. ¿Qué tal? (How are you doing?)

A great follow-up to "Hola." Showing interest in someone’s well-being is always appreciated.

3. Gracias (Thank you)

Gratitude goes a long way. This phrase will be your best friend! Use it as much as you can.

4. Por favor (Please)

Politeness can open many doors. Use it generously, and practise rolling the last "r" of each word to make it sound.

5. Perdona/Disculpa (Excuse me)

Whether you're trying to get someone’s attention or apologizing for bumping into them, these phrases are indispensable.

6. Sí (Yes) and No (No)

Basic, but crucial. These will help you answer almost any question!

7. ¿Dónde está…? (Where is…?)

Perfect for when you’re lost or need directions. For example, "Perdona, ¿dónde está el baño?" (Where is the bathroom?).

8. ¿Cuánto es? (How much is it?)

Shopping in local markets or shops? This phrase will help you find out the price.

9. Quería… (I would like…)

Ordering food or drinks? Start with this phrase. For example, "Quería una caña, por favor." (I would like a beer, please).

10. ¿Cómo? (I'm sorry?)

Stuck in a conversation that's moving too fast? Use this to signal that you need a bit more clarity.

11. ¿Puedes hablar más despacio, por favor? (Can you speak more slowly, please)

This will definitely help if you still need the person to repeat their message at a slower pace.

12. ¿Puedes ayudarme? (Can you help me?)

Perfect for when you need assistance, whether it’s finding a place or figuring out how something works.

13. Vale (ok, alright)

The most used word in Spanish for sure! For those moments when you agree with a plan or idea.

14. Me encanta (I love it)

Use it when you love a place, a dish, a drink or a plan! For instance: "Me encanta Valencia" (I love Valencia) or "¿Te gusta la Sangría?. Sí, me encanta."

15. Tengo una reserva (I have a reservation)

Checking into a hotel or a restaurant? This phrase will smooth the process.

16. ¿Hablas inglés? (Do you speak English?)

For those moments when you feel lost for words, finding someone who speaks English can be a relief.

17. Estoy aprendiendo español (I’m learning Spanish)

This can buy you some patience from native speakers and maybe even some helpful tips!

18. Cómo se dice… (How do you say…)

Great for learning new words! For example: "¿Cómo se dice "city" en español?" Se dice, "ciudad".

19. Encantado/ Encantada (Nice to meet you)

When you meet someone new, this phrase is a friendly way to express your pleasure in meeting them. "Encantado" would be said by men, and "Encantada" by women.

20. Adiós (Goodbye)

Finish off your encounters on a good note with a proper farewell.

Extra Tips for Using Your New Phrases:

  • Practice makes perfect: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The more you use these phrases, the more comfortable you’ll become.

  • Listen and repeat: Mimic the pronunciation you hear from native speakers. This will improve your accent and understanding.

  • Smile and be patient: A friendly attitude can make up for any linguistic shortcomings.

There you have it! With these 20 survival Spanish phrases, you're well on your way to speaking with any Spanish-speaking person like a pro.

And if you need more practise and want to gain confidence speaking Spanish, our courses and method are a great way to achieve your goals fast.

Text: Paula Ruiz

Editing: Paula Ruiz

Pictures: Wix, Paula Ruiz

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